Sunday at Imperial Dam LTVA

March 26, 2017

Yesterday (Saturday) was another extremely windy day. We had talked about going in to Yuma to get some of my meds refilled and maybe look at a guitar listed on Craigslist, but I guess the wind discouraged us from doing anything much other than take some more long, windy walks and read.  I downloaded all the instructions for the wiring and operation of our Renogy solar panel and controller and rechecked our installlation. All seems good, and yet the charge on the battery now says 12.2 volts. It's gone down from 12.5 yesterday morning. 

I found my multi-meter and checked the voltage coming off the panel - 12.8 - and going to the batteries - 12.4, and at the batteries - again 12.4. So why isn't the level of charge increasing? Even the battery setting on the indoor control panel now reads at 2/3. It didn't come up at all yesterday, even after the solar panel having full sun all day. Mysteries! 

I think we should have enough power and water to last until tomorrow (Monday). I think then we'll dump, refill, and then drive up to the LTVA at Quartzsite. The drive should recharge our batteries plenty. Walked the dogs this morning past what appeared in the distance to be a real estate "For Sale" sign. Turns out to be a sign with a painting of the desert and reading "Music Row, South Florida Flats." I'll bet some interesting people camp there during the winters! 

Many of the sites here have been "landscaped" with large stones from the desert marking off people's areas. Some have marked their "driveways" with reflectors. One had installed little solar powered path lights. 

I ordered a used Yamaha CGS2 from the Guitar Center's web site. Site says it's in excellent condition. I believe it's a half-size, nylon string guitar. Should be good for taking camping. But email following the order says it's out of stock and they have "more on order from the manufacturer." Wha?? They've ordered more used guitars? They haven't taken this one off the web site either. Hmmm. I'm not sure this deal is going to happen or not. Bummer.  

I've finished two books since we've been here - "Alone" by Lisa Gardner, a very good suspense story, and "The Story Sisters" by Alice Hoffman. The latter was excellent literature even though it made me depressed to think about how a family that started out so beautiful, was nearly destroyed by random events, drugs, and misplaced sisterly loyalties. I recommend it, and I'm sure I'll read more by both those authors. I also recommend the book I finished just before we left on this trip, "The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society," the author's name I can't remember right now. But that book was absolutely wonderful, not to mention insightful about life on the Channel Islands during WW II. I believe the author of this book died shortly before or after publication of this book. Such a loss. She was a very unique writer.    

You pass through the Yuma Proving Grounds going into or out of IDLTVA. You can recognize the road to turn into to go to LTVA by the big guns flanking each side of the entrance. The helicopter and missiles are on display along the road there too.

The Visitor Center at Yuma Proving Grounds instructs you to stop there but we didn't. I love the great military way they call it "VISITOR CONTROL CENTER"!

At the Imperial Dam Long Term Visitor Area (IDLTVA)

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