"The Restless Wind" - La Posa LTVA, Quartzsite

March 28, 2017

La Posa North LTVA US - 95, Quartzsite, AZ Monday, March 27   We were really loving Imperial Dam - so quiet, such beautiful views. But the wind! It hardly ever stopped. There were a few maybe 6 hour long periods where there was just a breeze, but mostly the wind just howled. Official weather page said winds 14-25 but it sure seemed and sounded like more! Sometimes it was really dusty, sometimes not. I don't know how that happens, but eventually everything inside gets a fine coat of dust on it. By our fourth day we needed water and it seemed that the solar panels were not recharging the batteries (they started at 12.5 and were down to 12.2), so we decided to drive up to the LTVA at Quartzsite. We're covered there by the same pass from Imperial Dam, so there will be no extra charges there. And we'll be much closer to shopping. We're running low on food and dog food.   Not much of a drive back to Quartzsite - less than two hours. Didn't put much of a recharge on our batteries. 12.4 when we got there. 
When we checked in, we found that there are only two lanes of dump station and four water fills (all in the same area) a mile in from the entrance at La Posa South. That serves All of La Posa! La Posa is HUGE!!! I can't imagine how long the lines get during the busy months here! There were twice as many dump and refill spots just at Senator Wash! I suspect that many must go into town and pay to dump rather than wait in long lines. But many here have both the drag-along sewer tank and drag-along or in-trunk water tanks. There aren't many campers hear right now. Can't count because it's so spread out, but it seems like there is so much more empty space than at IDLTVA.    Did I mention the wind? It's blowing here too. Blowing and blowing and blowing. Really too much to be comfortable taking much of a walk. I've been doing some drawing to fill the time. Taking a little break from reading.  I just heard the fridge light. It reminds me how well we seem to be doing on LP! We have yet to put any new gas into the first canister since we bought this trailer, and the change-over indicator is still green on the first can! I think we've used the furnace on at least a half-dozen nights, maybe more, since we've had it, but that first can seems to keep going and going! That's one thing to be happy about. (But just watch, I've probably jinxed myself - now I'll find it's empty.)
 The other day I found out that I can turn on "personal hotspot" on the iPhone and connect this iPad to it via wi-fi. How great! I don't have to buy a separate hotspot. This works just fine! It was next to impossible to type these entries on the iPhone. The blogger editor for the iPhone was not very powerful. But this one for iPad, Blog Pad Pro, is much, much better. Now still the big issue is that I have to post photos to the page from the iPhone and then put the captions on the from the iPad. The iPhone editor doesn't do captions. Sucks, and that was a paid app! And this one (Blog Pad Pro) is much better and is free! Well, let me save this and go over to the iPhone and put in a couple of pix.  
Squashed Snake

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