A New Look (maybe)
June 05, 2017
I've been experimenting with different templates for this site, so you may notice a bit of a change in the look since the last time you may have visited. This theme right now still needs some tweaking to the social media links. And I found that it doesn't display properly on my iPad. It still looks like the desktop version on there and the iPad screen isn't wide enough for it.
I've been in a sort of "done with camping" funk since we returned from our Arizona/New Mexico trip. I have no idea what's caused it. I did get pretty tired the first few days when I did most of the driving. Bob took over the better part of the driving during the second week and he did well (and I got to shoot photos out the windows!) I guess maybe I got too tired and never quite recovered. Actually I've been feeling physically better than I have in a long time, but just don't have the energy or ambition to want to do much except clean the house (which I've done more of lately than I've done in the past couple of years!).
We went to the Las Vegas Bluegrass Festival day several Saturdays ago. We sat through two bands's shows and part of a third band's, but by then I was totally bored and we went home. The bands were nothing special - just average. Although we did meet up with a band from St. George who we'd met at Logandale last fall and liked very much, and chatted with them for a while. Didn't get to see their show, though. Would have had to sit through another hour's worth of show before they would come on. There was absolutely no parking lot picking there. Maybe I was disappointed with that, although I hadn't bothered to bring my guitar. SNBMS had their display and demo of BG instruments for kids and Bob and I chatted with a couple of folks there. One was the woman bass player I met at Logandale who had her bass on wheels. Enjoyed my conversation with her!
Here are pics of some of the bands at the Las Vegas Bluegrass Festival in May. Sorry, I don't have the band names.